Renewing Religious Life Series
Volume 1

A lecture by Rudolf Steiner given February 17, 1910 in Berlin, Germany, with a forward by Rev. Jonah C. Evans


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From the forward:

“In our time, prayer is mostly understood as making requests to God, and many modern spiritual seekers remain uneasy and unconvinced about the often-self-centered nature of prayer. Moreover, among the spiritually inclined, there is an unfamiliarity with devotion to a higher being, an uneasiness about relating to a god “outside” of our innermost self. Because of all this, the practice of prayer has largely become empty, dried up, and falls away.  However, beneath the ashes of the corrupted corpse of prayer lie burning embers. For prayer,  in its true nature, can be rediscovered as the very source and foundation of our life with God. It is waiting for resurrection. In this light,  Rudolf Steiner’s lecture on the nature of prayer contained in this booklet can reorient, renew and enlighten human hearts to the true flame of prayer for our times.”

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