
From the Seminary of The Christian Community

The seminary periodically publishes articles, talks, and books, as well as a seminary newsletter.

In the newsletter, we offer our readers a window into life at the seminary. At the bottom of this page, you will find a link to our newsletter archive.

In our articles and books, we offer the public the renewed approach to the Christian mystery, fructified by spiritual science and the original, contemplative research methods we cultivate here at the seminary. These articles and books currently fall into three categories: Renewing Religious Life, Fruits of the Seminary, and Founder Biographies. Please see below for more details about each series and how to access them.



Renewing Religious Life Series:

At the dawn of the 20th century, Rudolf Steiner began to unfold a completely modernized spiritual science whose cosmology, anthropology, and Christology contains many seeds for the fructification and renewal of religious life in the age of science, technology, and individualized spiritual life.  This series of publications represents a selection of these seeds, including new translations, footnotes, and introductions from priests at the seminary and in the wider movement for religious renewal.

Fruits of the Seminary Series

Teachers and priests at the seminary regularly offer original spiritual research in their courses at The Seminary of The Christian Community in North America.  This research has far-reaching significance for the continued renewal of religious life and Christianity. The goal of this series of booklets is to publish this research in order to open it up to a wider audience.

Founder Biographies

The 45 founding priests of The Christian Community have quite astounding biographies that are being shared over the course of the 100th anniversary year, September 2022-September 2023.


Visit our Newsletter Archive

Published in collaboration with current students at the Seminary of The Christian Community